Isa Ho "My Peony Pavilion"

27 June 2015 - 24 July 2015

Peony Pavilion“ at the Apartment der Kunst – apartment of art / Munich is the first Solo exhibition of Isa Ho (何孟娟) in Germany. Born in 1977 the Taiwan based photographer, already received a number of honors.

In this exhibition we will show works from three series, made during the last years.

The “Girls” series , also known to many as the “Falling Down” series, is content wise constantly moving between the conflicting priorities of a strong tradition and the requirements of modern live. Specially the present generation of young asian woman often feel lost and helpless in organizing their lives.

Westbeth” is an ongoing project and a collaboration of Isa Ho and the Munich based artist Moriz Partenheimer. They both met in New York 2013 during a residency stay at ISCP. Westbeth Artists Housing was established in 1868. This mysterious building full of stories was open to resident artists to stay till they pass away for relatively cheaper rents since 1970. In present mostly artists in the age between 60 and 100 year live in the famous Westbeth building. In this project Ho is concentrated on the portrait of the the artist as a human image and also using interviews. Partenheimer works on the image of the space where the artist life takes place.

Peony Pavilion” is the latest project of Isa Ho and also the title of the show. Since the nineties of the last century K-Pop entertainment is dominant in a lot of Asian countries an specially in Taiwan. It has a big impact on the self perception of asian women. Femininity freedom is traditionally narrowed, but it seems that the “Korean wave” has the power, throughout the medium of dancing and moving, to create a new self-consciousness and a feeling of positive female independence.

Isa Ho is questioning this new hedonistic model of femininity with the means of contemporary photography. Therefore she is also comparing the “Korean Wave” with the classical Chinese opera. As an example she is using the eponymic Kunqu-opera “The Peony Pavilion” and what she discovers a quite a lot similarities according to the perception of women and aesthetics in Korean music videos.

With her works Isa Ho is creating simulated realities. Playful, self ironic and ruthlessly honest.


討論韓國流行音樂崛起呈現的亞洲女性新風貌。K pop席捲亞洲延燒至歐美,在台灣新世代年輕人身上造成的影響超乎想像,但韓國流行文化的影響不僅在年輕世代,韓劇、電影的觀眾年齡層更是橫跨老中青三代。韓流的崛起,除了韓國政府大力推廣之外,我認為亞洲女性自我意識的轉變是更大的原因。


任何一種曲藝型式都是繼承與發展而來,金元雜劇北曲南戲到歌仔戲。這系列作品以崑曲牡丹亭為題,元朝湯顯祖崑曲作品。在元朝文人無用的低迷氛圍下,關漢卿曾說: 我玩的是梁圓月、飲的是東京酒、賞的是洛陽花、攀的是章台柳,以放浪不羈形容自己。崑曲故事結構諸多以夢境有關,虛實相交,以追求不朽的愛情暗示當時文人志不可伸但仍有夢想的心境。牡丹亭裡湯顯祖寫到: 情不知所起 一往情深,情之所至,生可以死,死可以生。女主角杜麗娘追求自己的愛情,由死而生。崑曲從元朝發展至清朝全盛時期,這段時間韓國同時也是中國的附屬國,我想這是為什麼KPOP對所有亞洲人來說比較容易接受,由此又可以討論亞洲音樂舞蹈的肢體特性。


